Welcome to the forestry training world
Dear visitor,
For almost 50 years now, here at La Bastide des Jourdans, the Centre Forestier has been training our foresters, so that they can understand the extraordinary and very complex web which integrates the interdependent forest economy, and ecology, with the forest landscape and its multifunctional benefits including forest recreation.
About 43 employees are involved in training. 250 students are going into forestry with good chances to get a job. Every year, around 1000 employees receive short training courses throughout France.
Here, you will find information here concerning many too often unknown subject areas. You will leave with a greater appreciation and awareness of the important role of forest in our daily lives !
Do not hesitate to print the pages which you find interesting, on certified paper made out of wood coming from our forests!
More about our international activities here www.eduforest.eu
The Centre Forestier is located south east of France, 70km north of Marseille, in the Luberon massif between the Alps and the Mediterranean sea.
Its large buildings wooden made are in a 24 hectares forest park. Accommodation is available on site.
The training facilities as a whole offer optimal working conditions.
A wide range of forestry training

The Centre Forestier offers a wide range of training for the forestry sector. These courses cover the spectrum of forest operations from establishment, through forest maintenance and resource management to timber harvesting. The training covers pruning as well.
Investment in education, skills training, SFM and safety management are increasingly considered as essential elements in effective management. In fact, there are many good reasons for investing in training.
Opening doors to Europe

We are carrying out our activities with a strong European dimension:
Opportunities to study abroad are available to our trainees. We can host European trainees coming from any country as well.
30 years ago, we created EDUFOREST. the European Network of Forestry Training Centres making purpose of international development and improvement of forestry training, which is deemed necessary to carry out tasks and operations in forestry.
Each 2 years, we are organising an International conference of forestry training centres, anywhere in Europe.
And we are strongly involved in European projects.
We are proud of our record in training area and would like to share our expertise with you everywhere in the world.
More about our international activities...
To know more about our activities,
just email to Christian SALVIGNOL